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City councilman kickstarts effort to repeal blue law

04/25/24  -  Hillsdale Collegian

Letter: Let’s restrict Sunday online trad­ing not just bricks and mor­tar

04/22/24  -  Financial Times

Taking a Sabbath: How Students Prioritize Rest

04/21/24  -  Pepperdine Graphic

Your Sabbath Questions Answered

Hasn't the calendar been changed?
Actually, we can be positive that our seventh day is the same day Jesus observed when He was here on Earth - the day He kept every week as the Sabbath. (See Luke 4:16.) The days of the week have never been confused. Here's why some people ask this question ...

Before 1582, the world went by the Julian calendar, named for the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, who implemented it in 46 BC. The Julian calendar had calculated that it takes the earth 365-¼ days to orbit the sun. However, it actually takes about eleven minutes less than that. Those eleven minutes accumulated each year until, by 1582, the calendar was 10 days out of harmony with the solar system.

On October ...
Couldn't we rest on the Sabbath but worship on Sunday?
The idea of separate rest and worship days has recently started to catch on in some circles.

For instance, singer/songwriter Michael Card and singer Steven Green have said they rest on Sabbath but worship with local congregations on Sunday. However, this was not the practice of either Jesus or the apostle Paul. They didn't rest on the Sabbath and worship on Sunday (Luke 4:16; Acts 17:1, 2). We certainly applaud these men for recognizing the biblical truth of the seventh-day Sabbath rest, but, if we are going to worship the Creator (Revelation 14:7), why not do so on the day that He himself picked out? (Genesis 2:1).

When we get someone a gift, we often pick out something that we ourselves would ...
Are we still under the law?
This question - Are we still under the law? - is often asked in an effort to diminish the law of God in the life of the Christian. It is said, "Since we are not under law but under grace, we do not need to keep the Ten Commandments any longer."

But is this a valid point?

The Bible certainly does say that we are not under law, but does that imply that we are free from the obligation to obey it? The passage is found in Romans 6:14, 15: "Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."

How easily we could prevent confusion if we accepted exactly what the Bible says. Paul gives his own explanation of this ...

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Sabbath Articles

Hasn't the calendar been changed?
Who Changed The Sabbath?
Can the true seventh day be located?
How the Sabbath Was Changed to Sunday
7 Facts About the Seventh Day
In Exodus 31:14 we read that Sabbath violators were to be stoned to death. Do you believe the same penalty should be enforced today? If you say that the penalty feature of the Sabbath law is done away, then you have really declared the Sabbath abolished, for a law has no force if there is no penalty provided for its violation. Again, in Exodus 35:3 we read that no fires were to be kindled on the Sabbath. If you believe the Sabbath law is still in force, why do you kindle fires on that day?
The evidence that the early church switched the Sabbath is, at best, circumstantial and, ultimately, unsubstantiated. See why...
Sabbath-Keeping Christians in Ghana Face Voting Challenges
Denominal Statements on the Sabbath

Denominational Statements on the Sabbath

The observance of the first instead of the seventh day rests on the testimony of the church, and the church alone.
Hobart Church News, July 2, 1894; cited in Prophetic Signs, p 14.